How To Add New Product ?
Navigate to the Products page.
Click on "Add New Product."
Product Details
Title: Enter the product title.
Description: Input the product description.
Image: Select an image for the product.
SKU: Enter a unique numeric SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
Currency Code: Specify the currency code (e.g.,
Pricing Information
Stock: Define the product stock or quantity.
Selling Price: Enter the selling price.
Sale Price: Set a sale price for promotions, or leave blank if not applicable.
Additional Details
Product Brand & Category: Select the appropriate brand and category.
Importer Name & Origin Country: Enter the importer name and the product's origin country.
WhatsApp Compliance Category: This is mandatory for Indian businesses.
Country Code for Origin: Specify the country code of the origin country.
Catalog Information
External Product Link: Mandatory for e-commerce catalog types. Not required for normal store or service catalog types.
Click on "Save" to add the product.
Last updated